Internet slows for Indians ..
Wednesday, December 24, 2008Some days ago, I read in newspaper that 3 undersea internet cables got cut. The newspaper article mentioned that the ISP's will route traffic through different lines. Experts warned that though it'll work but it'll slow down the whole internet. And it did, it disrupted internet services badly in India. Here are some of the interesting comments from different people I read on the topic-
I have been watching the email all day waiting for an important email, and I have only gotten 12 SPAM emails all day. Normally I get at least 100 everyday, wow.
Cable have a natural hum which can attract sharks. Cables are also prone to earthquakes as well.
Ships dragging the anchors typically break these cables, however earth quakes wreak them as well. The breaks happen quite often, but the public don't notice due to multiple routes/cables and prevention of nigh on impossible.
“It is incredibly rare to experience a dual-break where both cables are down simultaneously,” said a spokesperson for Interoute, the internet networks company.
Its so incredibly rare that it's happenned twice in one year! That's not rare. Getting hit by lightning is incredibly rare, not this!
In a unrelated story, Internet SPAM drastically declined today. Some speculate that the reduction is in the 60 to 70% range.
Could this be the work of terrorists too?
Can it be?
Its clear from the above comments - This is the work of TERRORISTS. They are afraid of internet that's why destroying cables by bombing and farting.
Now being serious, the cables that were cut belongs to FALCON . And the cause was reported to be caused either by bad weather or a ship's anchor, though the bad weather was just a possibility and the anchor a much more likely occurrence. There are some conspiracy theories too on this topic might be related to terrorists, you can read them here.